Free hotel reviews dataset with 20k+ customer reviews for 5 star hotels in Las Vegas sourced from Download link is at the bottom of this page.
If you need to scrape search results and reviews from Yelp, check out our Yelp Reviews API or Yelp Reviews Scraper. They support real-time extraction for reviews data from yelp in a quick and reliable manner. The API is used for real-time page wise scraping and the scraper can be used to fetch all reviews for a listing at once.
The sample dataset can be found at the bottom of this post. The dataset consists of more than 20k reviews. Starting from the first few reviews, including all reviews up until 22nd April, 2021.
For all you data scientists and research enthusiasts out there, we hope that this freshly collected dataset could give you a little kickstart with your research project.
The fields available in this reviews dataset are shown in the screenshot below.

This dataset can be used for the following applications and more:
- Analyzing trends
Just as an example, you can see estimate how room occupancy must have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic.
- Sentiment Analysis / Opinion Mining
Using NLP techniques one can find out what the average user’s sentiment is towards each of the featured hotels in this dataset.
- Topic / Aspect Extraction
Using categorization techniques one can quickly figure out how each of the hotels featured in this dataset fairs on attributes such as room quality, staff, food, check-in process, etc.
- Competitor Analysis
If you would like to find out what customers think about your competitors, a tailored dataset like the one featured in this blog post can enable you to do so with simple data analysis or visualization techniques.
Use the link below to download our free hotel reviews dataset for your research*
Download DatasetIf you want a sneak-peak, a truncated version (with 500 reviews) of the dataset is also available on Kaggle.
If you’re interested in generating tailored datasets like the one featured in this post on-demand with an API call, you can book a meeting with me here.
*Please note that the download link takes a few seconds to load and requires an email address where the dataset will be sent immediately. Your email address would be stored in’s servers (who is GDPR compliant). We will only send you a single email introducing you to our service at max and will not SPAM you at all.